
Showing posts from September 30, 2018


Be content to view the success of others for what it is and not as a negative comment on your own life. I feel like this is a good quote to reflect upon. In this time and age we are driven by a jurassic need to overpower others. It is our eminent responsibility to include the effort of others and most importantly the success of others in our own dreams for our own success. This will bring extraordinary value in our lives. Remember that success comes not only for what you can measure, basic living, costs of life, cars, money, houses. All of these prices go down. I think that is the reason why most of us feel like we are so engulfed by the darkness that continues to haunt us like a pest. It is an age of self-deprecating behavior. Depression and addiction to tech lurks, like anywhere you go these days. I just can't comprehend the juxtaposition of these two events and of the major effects that social media has upon us. It is almost like a major hand grenade. I think most of us can agre...

Mementos II: A tenacious city girl's guide to braving the cold.


Mementos I


Is there a rubenesque lust for real estate?

Just open the page of any newspaper, The Sun, The Times, The Wall Street Journal. And you'll see lots of ads out there for real estate. Log in to any computer. You will be stalked to death by your computer's IP address with ads about housing campaigns and Realtors selling you their price offer and best deals on what's trending on the market. The best cities that they think is best for you to live in with your family. And the right time for you to jump in on it before those deals disappear. Catchy logos? They have it. Best deals, they have it too. Location? Hey, Life is but a DREAM. Or is that just something that you hear Beyonce sing out loud in one her multi-platinum songs. I love watching those Netflix specials. On the TV they advertise the highest ranking cities in the world, considering safety, standard of living, cleanliness. etc. and I'm not talking about some silly show like Ashton Kutcher's Punk'd or MTV Cribs. P.s Toronto is really one of the best citie...

Strike your fancy?

Ever curious about eating with your hands? How about curious about trying a new recipe or dish that calls for an exotic ingredient. Have you ever had crab legs or even turtle meat? Has the thought ever enter to your head that this is what people probably eat in other parts of the world? We are so consumed in todays society that we are so into our own orchestra of emotions and feelings. I love to eat, I am a human, Because I am a human I love to be in any place where there is delicious food. I mean, I am no Kevin James in the King of Queens but I do love my traditional cuisine type of dishes. My ultimate favourite though, is Mexican & Cuban dishes. Beef, Pork chops & Chicken. Thanksgiving is coming up eh guys? It's basically just over the hill. Have you given any thought about where you guys are spending it this year? With your family> Or maybe you are starting a new tradition in your way? However you are spending it this weekend. Just be grateful, because I come from an ...

My birthday

I will be celebrating my birthday this month. I'm an autumn baby. 😛😍😍😍😍 I love it because I have a deep fondness of everything cozy, sweaters, socks, PSL, lipstick, mugs you name it! I will be celebrating my 30th birthday, with my family and in a cabin in Banff Springs Hotel & Resort. I highly suggest you guys try it if you haven't had the opportunity to travel there. It's a must have in your arsenal of experiences and must visit before you die. The day I shot this, I saw a Moose so merrily crossing the lake. He was making his way to the other side of the river because I assume he was foraging for new areas for food. It was so cold that day, I told my husband WHATEVERR, I put on a shirt and went out on a leap of faith just to try to snap a picture of this brave moose crossing the river. I didn't get to snap him but you know what I'm saying, it was so exciting. Just to be there and witness this remarkable act of mother nature, and how it shows us how, like u...

I love, love photography


Unconventional curiosity & a world of exploration.

Hi my friends, just out of pure curiosity have you ever wandered into a new restaurant and just ordered in? Just to not to leave every stone unturned kind of thing? I'm a firm believer in unconventional curiosity. I want to go to Amsterdam so bad, I just feel like I wanted to share that with you guys. Ride a bike or even wander into the unknown. Knowing that there is something in every part of that city you can discover. I've shared it many times with my husband. But, since our baby was due in last August we couldn't just pick up our keys and leave. (Insert sad emoji here) Although, a Europe trip would be our goal for this year coming up & absolutely out of this world, just great. I think I would visit Portugal, Greece, France and Fierenze. Because, I have been seeming to gravitate towards this place. It's almost like a new mode of adventuring. I was on a serious Netflix binge the other day and Firenze came up in one of the films I was watching with my husband, the...

Audacious Seeker

Ahoy matey, how you doing my friends? I decided to heed my inner musings today. I just about love everything that has to do with exploring. I have fun taking pictures in nature and in the great outdoors. This weekend I went away and finally as we were walking down the street were able to see the majestic Bison or Buffalo. I decided to soldier on and take a closer look. I think huge is just putting it lightly. Those beastly looking cows are enormous. I didn't think I'd see so many of them in one spot. There were like ten, grazing placidly. My husband said they look like demons. I have to be honest with you, when I first saw them I thought they looked like a mythological creature. It looked like they are the great steeds of the Prairies. The natural ecosystem is part of a reserve so they are free to roam. Unbelievable to see them on the side of the highway though. It just feels like they are going to come and knock you over. I think the car would roll over, like, for real. I just...

Care to eat this?

As most of you might know my friends. I am a huge fanatic of Dali's work. Particularly his books. Dali's Dinners. He was like the Rembrandt of olden times and the Leonardo DiCaprio of modern time television. Oddly satisfying as most of his followers would find him or even extremely bizarre. I still think the guy was a genius, for the most part. Like Andy Warhol, except totally opposite sides of the spectrum. Salvador was a regular man. For those who knew him, he was simply Dali. He had an unbelievable imagination. I think his was just over the top. He had taste and as some might suggest a wondering eye for the eccentric. The graphics of his works are nothing short of stunning. The visual impact of one of his greatest works, the melting clocks is something that many would consider one of art's greatest masterpieces. Labels were put on him as one of history's most wacky painter. Sure thing, the guy was a little bit out of his own wavelenght for his own sake. Nonetheless...

All good pioneers wander

All good pioneers wander and because they do. I must do it too. I finally linked up with old friends. I never realized how incessant the thoughts in your mind can get until you do whatever it is that you've been putting off. I finally got a hold of my friend and I told myself that it couldn't wait another day. I wasn't putting it off for another rainy day. Since I had a baby, I couldn't travel as far by public transportation because my friend had moved way out of the city limits. By car it would take us at least 20 minutes. She received us with her arms open, my surprise came when she told us about this cute puppy she had rescued. Along with Lola, her new acquisition is part Mutt, part I don't know what but what she lacks in mystery she has it in cuteness. Her puppy is very shy though, and although I didn't get to interact with her for the most part of our visit in our friends house. I would still take her any day over any cat. Here is her new dog, and my dau...

Color Theory

I secretly meandered through my list of things and I thought to myself. All-right, it's going down. I will get everything done on my to do list and then I will indulge in a sweet little treat. I will go to the movies or buy myself nice clothes or something. I didn't know that to my own surprise my day was going to be quite the treat. As I was reading the goodhearted thoughts that I left in a scrap of paper in my pocket. I was kind of going down the rabbit hole in a wishful thinking spiral. I got a notification on my phone because I entered that today was free admittance to the Muttart Conservatory in the City. There was a crazy cool exhibition. My goodness, it was Day of the Dead. Like, for real. I was so glad that I went down there. As soon as I got there the service desk officer said that it was a free event. Well, by all means. I thought to myself if its free. Everything that is free is awesome for me. I started jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store. In a way tryin...