Be content to view the success of others for what it is and not as a negative comment on your own life. I feel like this is a good quote to reflect upon. In this time and age we are driven by a jurassic need to overpower others. It is our eminent responsibility to include the effort of others and most importantly the success of others in our own dreams for our own success. This will bring extraordinary value in our lives. Remember that success comes not only for what you can measure, basic living, costs of life, cars, money, houses. All of these prices go down. I think that is the reason why most of us feel like we are so engulfed by the darkness that continues to haunt us like a pest. It is an age of self-deprecating behavior. Depression and addiction to tech lurks, like anywhere you go these days. I just can't comprehend the juxtaposition of these two events and of the major effects that social media has upon us. It is almost like a major hand grenade. I think most of us can agre...