Care to eat this?

As most of you might know my friends. I am a huge fanatic of Dali's work. Particularly his books. Dali's Dinners. He was like the Rembrandt of olden times and the Leonardo DiCaprio of modern time television. Oddly satisfying as most of his followers would find him or even extremely bizarre. I still think the guy was a genius, for the most part. Like Andy Warhol, except totally opposite sides of the spectrum. Salvador was a regular man. For those who knew him, he was simply Dali. He had an unbelievable imagination. I think his was just over the top. He had taste and as some might suggest a wondering eye for the eccentric. The graphics of his works are nothing short of stunning. The visual impact of one of his greatest works, the melting clocks is something that many would consider one of art's greatest masterpieces. Labels were put on him as one of history's most wacky painter. Sure thing, the guy was a little bit out of his own wavelenght for his own sake. Nonetheless, he was truly a genius. Misrepresentation and stigmatization usually runs high with artists of this caliber in the world of the arts. But is nothing short of the truth. Here is a shot I took in the University of Macewan of one of his books, The Dinners of Dali. Enjoy and Bon Apetit.


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