When you read books, do you actually stop to think if the stuff you are reading is making sense to you? I am one of those people. I stop, so I know that I am not reading pure non-sensical, illogical stuff. It's not that I am mean, I respect the authors and the fact that they are providing us with more than a mere escape. I love reading. I have a deep heart-felt passion for it, and I have vivid memories of my all time fav books in my childhood. I don't care how long it takes me to read a book, I will dig in until I get all of the details and I am fully satiated. When is a good book, and the author deserves it, of course. I can't just put a book down, that's one of my flaws. I am human though and after all, we are all flawed beings. Since we are talking about books, there is a superb story on Alexandria and Diocletian that well, if you allow me I can shed light on this. After capturing Alexandria, Diocletian ordered his soldiers to kill until the blood reached his horses ...