Color Theory

I secretly meandered through my list of things and I thought to myself. All-right, it's going down. I will get everything done on my to do list and then I will indulge in a sweet little treat. I will go to the movies or buy myself nice clothes or something. I didn't know that to my own surprise my day was going to be quite the treat. As I was reading the goodhearted thoughts that I left in a scrap of paper in my pocket. I was kind of going down the rabbit hole in a wishful thinking spiral. I got a notification on my phone because I entered that today was free admittance to the Muttart Conservatory in the City. There was a crazy cool exhibition. My goodness, it was Day of the Dead. Like, for real. I was so glad that I went down there. As soon as I got there the service desk officer said that it was a free event. Well, by all means. I thought to myself if its free. Everything that is free is awesome for me. I started jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store. In a way trying to gather as much attention to myself as possible, to let everyone know about this amazing thing that I had found. I thought to myself, okay, its time to leave all of your happy at the door and welcome this new adventure. I walked everywhere, mostly it was dedicated entirely to Dia de los Muertos which is a Mexican tradition of Day of the Dead happening on October 31st. Halloween is what we celebrate in the West. But in Mexico you would go all out in Dia de los Muertos attire and serve tribute to your deceased relatives and your ancestors to honor the passing of our dead ones. Anyways, from door to door there was a different exhibit and from here to there it seemed like there was a kaleidoscope of colors. I had to skip a lot of the amazing art expositions because I was afraid I was going to run out of time. I did, however managed to shoot some sweet pictures. After I patted myself on the back and said nice work. I wrapped it up and I told myself, today we are going to pick up my feet, preambulate, hoof it and saunter along and see where my legs can take me. But, anyway, as you will see shortly, and I don't want to take up anymore time and I'll show you in a couple of milliseconds. I'll let you scour through these images. I really want to explore some more, but I feel like in order to see a world full of color and as magic as Dia de los Muertos was for me. You have to get out there!


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