My birthday

I will be celebrating my birthday this month. I'm an autumn baby. 😛😍😍😍😍 I love it because I have a deep fondness of everything cozy, sweaters, socks, PSL, lipstick, mugs you name it! I will be celebrating my 30th birthday, with my family and in a cabin in Banff Springs Hotel & Resort. I highly suggest you guys try it if you haven't had the opportunity to travel there. It's a must have in your arsenal of experiences and must visit before you die. The day I shot this, I saw a Moose so merrily crossing the lake. He was making his way to the other side of the river because I assume he was foraging for new areas for food. It was so cold that day, I told my husband WHATEVERR, I put on a shirt and went out on a leap of faith just to try to snap a picture of this brave moose crossing the river. I didn't get to snap him but you know what I'm saying, it was so exciting. Just to be there and witness this remarkable act of mother nature, and how it shows us how, like us, animals also migrate in search of food and greater resources. The reason behind it? The same reason why the earth its girating on its axis right now. <3


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