Is there a rubenesque lust for real estate?

Just open the page of any newspaper, The Sun, The Times, The Wall Street Journal. And you'll see lots of ads out there for real estate. Log in to any computer. You will be stalked to death by your computer's IP address with ads about housing campaigns and Realtors selling you their price offer and best deals on what's trending on the market. The best cities that they think is best for you to live in with your family. And the right time for you to jump in on it before those deals disappear. Catchy logos? They have it. Best deals, they have it too. Location? Hey, Life is but a DREAM. Or is that just something that you hear Beyonce sing out loud in one her multi-platinum songs. I love watching those Netflix specials. On the TV they advertise the highest ranking cities in the world, considering safety, standard of living, cleanliness. etc. and I'm not talking about some silly show like Ashton Kutcher's Punk'd or MTV Cribs. P.s Toronto is really one of the best cities in the world. Real estate agents are everything. They are tapping in the mysterious underbelly that most of us are afraid of tapping into. Is like they are going into the lion's den and they are going tap, tap, tap. Your local realtor, they are more than just providing us with a service. So, make sure you put them in your Christmas list this year,  just kidding. I know a particular story from a friend of mine, that after she had been married for like, um let's say 25 years just for comparisons sake, she got divorced and heartbroken and all, shortly after she purchased a new home and she hooked up with the guy who sold her her new house in Toronto. Now she and her ex-husband are best friends. But do you see what I mean when I say they are taking an important role in the community they serve. They are really doing all of the soldier work. They are out there in the trenches for us my friends. That's why I go into a gigantic panic mode, when I see the prices skyrocketing in the stock market and the real estate industry going into a real deep flunk. I'll be honest, I become a cookie mosnter. I load up on carbs, diet soda and all of the candy I can summon and I get a sugar crash. I'm not exaggerating. Online, every morning, I'll check it our every once in a while, you know, like for real. Because I want to be up to date and be in touch with the underbelly & because I have a legit concern with the health of our community and economies. I eat healthy and excercise but I sometimes go into a full blown panic attack mode, bordering on heart attack, when I see the house prices rising. I'll check up this trends on the internet and I'll go into a frigging panic attack mode. I will talk to my husband about it and he will send me flying through the window to the floor. Because, I used to be one of those frigging kids who was still living at home with their parents, whilst paying off debts and student loans. Credit cards, and loan collectors are legit stalkers, I told my husband ( he's geekey as hell) the other day in an attempt to minimize my anxiety attack. They really do know how to make a number out of you, and they tick me off so much. But thats because you let them get into your head. He said. You are just letting them tap, tap , tap. I think I'll just go on a limb and live in an igloo. In today's day and age. I believe that big companies are solely large companies because they benefit from the money that we, the hard workers bring in. For example, let's look at the resurgency of medical marihuana and legalization of it. The feds are going to make huge profits from it. But anyway, I digress, I really want to buy a house. My husband and I are currently doing our market research. Best places to live, neighbourhoods etc. I mean, I don't want to live in the slums, for real. I also have a daughter and I want her to have the best. Again, I don't want to be like the kid in the movie Slumdog millionaire. America is just so hot right now, in the real estate market. Just make sure you do your homework before you let's just say dwelve into the depths that is this sizzling hot arena. You certainly gotta put your gladiator shoes on. In restrospect, I know very well, from my own experience that prices do go up and down in very dramatic spikes. It's almost like the way my grandpa's sugar levels fluctuate after he's had way too many carbs at Thanksgiving dinner. He has diabetes mellitus. And you know what else is worth a fortune today is probably going to go up in the near future or it may drop. You never know, it's like that everywhere, I gotta be honest though, I do love it's unpredictability. Like, I have so many friends that are in this booming business right now. They are really just bathing in gold, just bathing in it. I have a friend of my husband's who is a real estate agent and he just purchased a brand new Tesla! I have another friend who lives in a beautiful condo above the Rogers Centre in Toronto. She travels so much, she has been everywhere. Her passport is always being renewed. Euro trip, she's done it, South America, she's done it. Miami, she's done it. And she still has money to spare. I also noticed an increase in pay. In almost all parts of society, women struggle daily in their lives with equal pay. Only, I was able to notice a balance in this type of industry. I thought that immigrants that came to America didn't stand a chance, you know with the prejudice that a lot of white people hold saying that immigrants take their jobs, but real estate doesn't discriminate. To be honest with you, this did leave a nasty bitter taste in my mouth. That whole concept, because there are jobs for everyone in this country. That's why I love Canada. I digress again, as I was saying previously the realtor business has been offering sweet deals and promoting a sense of fulfillment with an international value, that has a sweet taste and stands as highly attractive to realtors and their clientele. With Thanksgiving approaching, we will see how the prospects on the market reveal itself, and while we wait to see it unfold. Happy Thanksgiving and if you are traveling anywhere with your family for Thanksgiving get back home safe!


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