Unconventional curiosity & a world of exploration.

Hi my friends, just out of pure curiosity have you ever wandered into a new restaurant and just ordered in? Just to not to leave every stone unturned kind of thing? I'm a firm believer in unconventional curiosity. I want to go to Amsterdam so bad, I just feel like I wanted to share that with you guys. Ride a bike or even wander into the unknown. Knowing that there is something in every part of that city you can discover. I've shared it many times with my husband. But, since our baby was due in last August we couldn't just pick up our keys and leave. (Insert sad emoji here) Although, a Europe trip would be our goal for this year coming up & absolutely out of this world, just great. I think I would visit Portugal, Greece, France and Fierenze. Because, I have been seeming to gravitate towards this place. It's almost like a new mode of adventuring. I was on a serious Netflix binge the other day and Firenze came up in one of the films I was watching with my husband, the film is called Before I fall. In order to stay wholly inquisitive I like to snap photos when I travelled to Victoria this last month. I shot this one on one of my travels. As you might have learned from me, I love to put flowers in everything. Even in my own foods. I enjoy tulips, roses and even peonies. I think peonies are some of my favorite flowers though! <3


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