Strike your fancy?

Ever curious about eating with your hands? How about curious about trying a new recipe or dish that calls for an exotic ingredient. Have you ever had crab legs or even turtle meat? Has the thought ever enter to your head that this is what people probably eat in other parts of the world? We are so consumed in todays society that we are so into our own orchestra of emotions and feelings. I love to eat, I am a human, Because I am a human I love to be in any place where there is delicious food. I mean, I am no Kevin James in the King of Queens but I do love my traditional cuisine type of dishes. My ultimate favourite though, is Mexican & Cuban dishes. Beef, Pork chops & Chicken. Thanksgiving is coming up eh guys? It's basically just over the hill. Have you given any thought about where you guys are spending it this year? With your family> Or maybe you are starting a new tradition in your way? However you are spending it this weekend. Just be grateful, because I come from an undeveloped country and I can affirm you guys. That I am forever grateful to be here in Canada with my family. Happy Thanksgiving and get home safe if you're going far away. <3


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