
Showing posts from December 9, 2018

Edible flowers

In today’s day and age we put flowers wherever we can. We eat them and squash them with our food and our cosmetics. I’m glad I don’t wear make up as I used too. I’m sharing this helpful infographic because as much as I hate fire and as much as I love nature I hate to see it go. I have hope in the future of the world. Last year I found this infographic and all of the flowers that came in this list make a nice little thing to add to a cake or 🧁 cupcakes. Enjoy.

Sweet bees-niz

HONEY, OH SWEET NECTAR! Thank goodness for bees! Honey is full of enzymes & is the only insect-created food ❤ with therapeutic, nutritional and cosmetic value. Like so many uses, for real! Did you know that according to Albert Einstein, if honey bees disappear from earth, humans would be dead within 4 years? Wake up my friends! People I feel like its time we start protecting these benevolent insects. How do you do it, you're asking? Well, here I am to provide with some facts that may help you protect our bee friends PRONTO! When early spring arrives, don't pull off that dandelion, it's one of the first spring foods for our precious insect-friends. If you don't believe this now, go watch the movie The BEE- movie. I'm pretty sure ANY flower though, is part of the bees diet, so let's not kill anything that helps the bees. Save the bees.  Already, 7 different species of bees were put on the endangered species list, if the bees disappear ( I mean how could we le...

Do you BELIEVE in love?

In this world, love and pain are two sides of the same friggin coin. One cannot exist without the other. Some people as you may have been observing in your own experiences in life, derive a certain sense of enjoyment from a painful but passionate relationship. Have you ever seen or heard from a friend about the movie: Vicky Christina Barcelona? Or is it Maria Christina Barcelona? I'm not quite sure to be honest but anyways, in that movie. The director shows a unique side of the characters he is working with, Vicky is played by Scarlett and she acts very oblivious, she is whoring off in Spain, while a more mellow, yet despicably vindictive Penelope is a nut-job when it comes to her heart on screen. The style observed in this movie goes back and forth in an on screen drama & furor and the hatred shown by both Penelope Cruz and a menacing Scarlett is very palpable. You can cut the tension with a knife. Whoever said that two great actresses can't act together lives both in  ...

Most gorgeous street in the world.

The most sublime and amazing street in the world is in Portugal. I bet you you didn’t know?! Sorry. I’m telling you so now you know my friend. Canada has the biggest and longest street but where does it rain mayhem faster than anywhere in the world? In Portugal, not only does it home one of the most  famous soccer players yup you better register it. Portugal is the best street wise. Here is a picture to prove it because they say a picture speaks a thousand words, yep I said it.

Acorns and a little word on Hope.

Hi ! I find that with the holidays upon us is so easy to forget to call friends! I know I do, I’m out shopping and then I go OMG! I gotta call this person and then call this other person. Everyone in life enjoys a different experience. But I think sometimes it can get pretty bad, specially sometimes when we ignore those around us and they keep doing the  things that they do in order to get our attention. Make sure you pay attention to you, but is important to be around your family and friends in this day and age also, however treat yourself this season as well. With things you love doing. Especially if you enjoy the company of friends. After all is said and done, we know we inherently act in accordance to whatever beliefs we have acquired from them, we instrisically know that we are all connected to one another. I hope that you may bask and enjoy in all the love & Joy this season brings you. All the best. P. S I’m sharing this beautiful picture of felted acorns, because they m...

Stressful week brought me an acid reflex trip but I was ready to fight back.


P. S I own these picture as I took them with my phone.

I could literally spend the whole day in here doing nothing but snackin.

Happy Holidays! A case of serendipity

Trust in this colourful infographic that I stumbled upon/found on Pinterest. I was trying to revamp  the house decorations for the holidays and I thought they might come in handy & at some point it might make easier for you to discover your journey in life and find a new you in the new year! And you will love it if you’re entertaining guests on Christmas Day! I feel like they are so helpful because I’m crazy busy on this day in the almanac and there are so many surprises that abound that I thought I would share this pic with you to lessen the burden of your achey/tired feet and get you what should we call it? Mhm, let’s be honest, some help people! C’mon let’s get merry already! I can’t beleive it’s Christmas time! !!!!!!  Kids can also be very weary and relatives and just everything that’s comes together at your household. I know they can be very tiring and they can also wear you out. Stay cozy and warm this winter is all I’m asking my friends! Enjoy! P. S I love Pinter...

The Silver bean cafe in the distance is preening on a perfect day.


Citrus J’taime!!!

I want to lead a normal, healthy life. I’m thankful for the things that i have and share with my family, as always. Therefore, I’d like to live as long as possible and share a happy life in my married life. I saw this poster on a mural in a cafe this morning. That I shot because I got inspired. Rarely I get inspired so right off the bat when I see an image that screams take me to the depths with you and back I shoot it down. I took the photo for references sake. Research is very important, not only because I am a Social Worker and we are a very small community of researchers in all kinds of spectrums. Family stuff and kiddos but I also have a passion for learning things. The world belong to the curious. I’m a curious person and to add more to that sentence I have the sentiments of a child. If I hear someone crying, it sounds lame or crazy but I will cry. Because I am extra sensitive. Anyway, I’m not going to get into the semantics. I have this gorgeous picture that I shot today. Citrus...