The fearsome Kraken

Below the thunders of the upper deep;
Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth..

Tennyson’s poem refers to the Norse legend of a monstrous inhabitant, creatures of the sea and creepy bottom dweller  that attacked the ships in the coast of Norway. By the 18th century the Kraken  has developed a spine chilling reputation, and by the early 19th lurid, sensational drawings and illustration of krakens, which is the giant large squid 🦑 said that devouring ships and attacking shipments would only be seen in accounts in books and be brought to life by  bold writers of the time, but in fact this beast of the sea was living in the depths of the sea. And attaching itself to ships. Jules Verne Trophy reported that a giant squid about 46 feet would astonishingly pull the boat hard. This mythical creature is also the perfect character of a fiction movie on Netflix, called Wrath of the Titans. Which is actually just depicting delicious Greek myths. I love this myths and mythical mystery. To me is like Christmas. <3


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