Sweet bees-niz

HONEY, OH SWEET NECTAR! Thank goodness for bees! Honey is full of enzymes & is the only insect-created food ❤ with therapeutic, nutritional and cosmetic value. Like so many uses, for real! Did you know that according to Albert Einstein, if honey bees disappear from earth, humans would be dead within 4 years? Wake up my friends! People I feel like its time we start protecting these benevolent insects. How do you do it, you're asking? Well, here I am to provide with some facts that may help you protect our bee friends PRONTO! When early spring arrives, don't pull off that dandelion, it's one of the first spring foods for our precious insect-friends. If you don't believe this now, go watch the movie The BEE- movie. I'm pretty sure ANY flower though, is part of the bees diet, so let's not kill anything that helps the bees. Save the bees.
 Already, 7 different species of bees were put on the endangered species list, if the bees disappear ( I mean how could we let this happen right? ) for starters, just for starters, strawberries, avocadoes, and coffee all disappear. This is our problem and our wake up call. I can't stand the fact that you guys can just sit there and do nothing about this. How could we possibly allow this? How do we beat the clock? And reverse this damage we are causing? Plant bee-friendly plants like Sedum, Golden rod, Cornflower, Veronica, Salvia, Verbascum, Sunflower, Lavender and Snapdragon. And DO NOT use pesticides in your backyard, Like for REAL you guys. Peace.


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