Egyptian morning sickness?

If you thought this world was upside down. Have you read about the Ancient Egypt civilizations lately? They weren't as simple as 1, 2, 3 let me tell you this. I have to be honest with you guys, I love reading up on topics like these, it's honestly so good. It's truly one of my fav things, Netflix, snacks and coffee are among my top ones as well. Did you know that in Ancient Egypt if you wanted to find out about pregnancy and if you were a women of course, you had to pee on a stick or a branch of some sort to find out if you were indeed pregnant. And if you were, to find out the sex of the baby. You had to use barley and wheat seeds. I'm sorry if I sound crazy but I think that's nasty. Let science be our guide today. We don't need no damm barley seeds. Thank God we have modern devices and clean pregnancy tests and medical facilities nowadays. I mean, I know 5000 years back in Egyptian time, I mean back then there was the use of natural and yet I see this as something unnatural. Of course, this is what separates us from our ancient ancestors. I really can't see myself or any other woman out there for all it's worth peeing on barley or wheat seeds. I know what I'm talking about. I research this stuff, and I read about it in books. Listen now, plant growth indicated the sex of the child. It's like a tiny lab experiment. Barley for boys. Wheat for women. Later studies, show that urine of women who were preggors does cause plant growth, 70 % of the time. While, urine of non-pregnant does not. Everybody, praise god for the advances in modern science and technology. Cheers!


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