To kill or not to kill (the mosquito)

I remember calamine lotion from my childhood when chickenpox overtook our house. I remember what a big deal it was because my mom had never actually gotten chickenpox as a kid and was trying to keep away from us, leaving my dad to be the one to care for us during our illness. While you can purchase calamine lotion at your local grocery store, if you already have all the ingredients on hand, which I do, you can easily whip up a batch in under 3 minutes flat! Preferring to make all of our medicine cabinet myself, for the sake of self-sufficiency and knowing the ingredients, I love to make our own anti-itch calamine lotion. In the olden days, they would use clays and herbs to stop the itch, today the remedy is not much different. I talk about this because I just got back from the Tropics and feeling quite fluffy after an encounter with a epic mosquito army. I had to get calamine lotion. I got caught in a pickle because I didn’t have in Cuba so I had to scratch my way back home. I’m thankful that I got a bit from a family member that helped relieve the itching. I know now that it’s not only the sunscreen and the awful-smelling bug spray the mosquitoes despise and oh the do, but you won’t fool them my friends they will see through it. It’s a mystery. On your next trip down to an island bring a bullet proof vest on from now on. From my own experience and past trips with my friends I gotta take a bunch of items to keep them off, I mean the mosquitoes. 


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