The time capsule and windmill of todays era.

I came across a powerful message in Instagram: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. I think is so true, because it's not about the places you have been to. The best things in life are the people you've loved, the places you've seen, and the memories you've been making along the journey that is life. What other greater glory is there other than sharing precious moments with those around you, Life goes by in an instant,  let me tell you. I was hospitalized not too long ago, I won't get into details, but when I was in the hospital, in my bed, I remember telling myself back then and there, that you never know who your real friends in life are until you meet the ones that are willing to hold your hand during the darkest moments. When the darkness comes knocking on your front door steps, shake it off like its the dirt of a mat. Nonetheless it can get pretty serious for some people sometimes. At which point the darkness has conquered all of the light that was left in you. At this point I tell you my dear friends, not to let old memories of your dark past affect you or enslave you, for these are just the most distant aspect of yourself that you are afraid to look at and you are leaving behind. However, for some people who are always on the go its difficult to come and face those things. Because I think that they think that you will see them as weak, but that is not always the case you know what Im saying? People make excuses all of the time, oh I'm too busy, or I have a busy schedule at home, work, life, etc. Life is just going by like a stream of consciousness in a river. But they never learn to see those things because for them life is full of limitless opportunities, let me tell you something, it isn't. I know life gets hard at times, but what I do is I pray and I focus on the fact that I have good people that I can depend on and viseversa. <3


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