Food Havoc & Heat

Have you ever wanted to take better pictures of your food? Have you gazed at your friends Instagram feeds and their delectable shots filled with opulent meals and food adventures? There is a way for you to take pictures that are awesome too! YUM! YUM! And your friends, well let's just say they are going to turn with jelousy of your pictures. I suggest you begin your food exploration by adding style to your pictures. I think switching your camera modes to Portrait will be great. Shoot everything food related on Portrait mode. Begin fueling your passion and taking pictures everywhere you go! Just try it. It's free. Create beautiful dishes at home and take pictures of it. Its just an awesome way to pass time as well as a delicious hobby that will come in handy for you in the future, as well as giving you a new perspective on your new following of friends. Whenever you shoot, try closing in the subject and amplifying the object to fill the whole screen. Marvel at your truly, unique concoctions and just take pictures of them. I was just watching the most intriguing video on Netflix. I was learning about ASMR, because I love learning. This was an enticing documentary because I learned that in todays age and time there are so many new things people are trying. ASMR is this new phenomenon. I was dumbfounded at first. Basically, there is a person and she's recording a session with a camera. After she has gathered all these items. And she is standing in front of the camera with a microphone, anyway she is trying to interact with the viewer in a weird way. Or, let me re-phrase that, because you shouldn't judge them. I should say, at least in an unexpectedly interesting way. Anyway, my point is that sometimes, it is better to keep things simple. Because I was watching this film and realized that the reason this person was behind the camera and the microphone and the reason why they were doing everything they are doing is because they stand alone in this world. Filled with new experiences and they want to like us, feel like they are included and are part of something. I have to be honest with you. I didn't find anything incredibly stimulating about the whole sensory perception, so I didn't finish watching the show. It just looked like children's games to me. I have no time or energy to sit through the whole thing. A lot of the time, it is just about capturing the moment with your friends and family my friends, rather than you worrying about having to post constantly and fill up your Instagram feed to be the envy of all of your friends. Just enjoy the moment, live it up and drink it down. Because you never know when you will have that last special moment with your family. And you will regret how you spent the entire experience taking photos. Whatever it is that you enjoy taking pictures of. However, if you are interested in examining more closely this documentary, it is on Netflix and it's called Follow this: The Internet Whisperers. <3


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