Acorns and a little word on Hope.

Hi ! I find that with the holidays upon us is so easy to forget to call friends! I know I do, I’m out shopping and then I go OMG! I gotta call this person and then call this other person. Everyone in life enjoys a different experience. But I think sometimes it can get pretty bad, specially sometimes when we ignore those around us and they keep doing the  things that they do in order to get our attention. Make sure you pay attention to you, but is important to be around your family and friends in this day and age also, however treat yourself this season as well. With things you love doing. Especially if you enjoy the company of friends. After all is said and done, we know we inherently act in accordance to whatever beliefs we have acquired from them, we instrisically know that we are all connected to one another. I hope that you may bask and enjoy in all the love & Joy this season brings you. All the best.
P. S I’m sharing this beautiful picture of felted acorns, because they make me incredibly happy and according to science the act of sharing acts as a producer of serotonin, which is the happy brain hormone my friends. Is what your brain releases when you have a baby or when you get home to a nice meal. And for those who don’t have a clue what this is. They are the foundation of the forest. Baby acorns are impeccably adorable. The former, is  the only chance nature has of creating the forests you see in today’s world.


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