You cant use up your creativity.

Someone that is very important to me once told me, you can't use up your creativity, the more you create or the more you use it the more you have. Determination and creative achievement, are on the rise in todays day and age. I think that the fact that more women are going to work and fighting for their right to equal pay is already a considerable step in the right direction. The mind, is so insidious and controlling it it’s tougher, however it is a powerful tool. Like everything whatever you put your mind to you can accomplish, for instance, when I decided to commence writing my blog. I had a couple of naysayers, who dispensed advice, left, right and center you know what I’m saying? Saw nothing but the brain of a mom with barely the time to meet the demands of her toddler much less meet the needs of a blog. I’m I a sadistic person? of course not, however I was taking their words like sticks and stones. Were they were determined to make me fail? Absolutely. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen 007? I wish I could be like Pierce Brosnan and have the assiduity with which I could overcome my opponents. Haters will hate, they are by default your biggest problem, for they are like the motherboard in a computer- hard wired to your software with viruses. I think you cant go anywhere when you got haters, but you have to ignore them.  Overcoming this wasn't easy let me tell you, I had to struggle dealing with my toddler and on top of that things weren't coming up roses in the mothering department. I agonized hypothetically speaking, honing in my nearest family members for support. I was also dealing and struggling with addiction, and mental health issues. I struggled with my finances and still continued paying off my student loans. Even late into my thirties. Consequently, I had creditors on my back, harrassing me and calling me constantly day and night asking me can you make a payment? I mean, I was sad that I couldn’t make any payments. I even had one of the credit card company representatives threaten me by asking me how was I able to raise a child if I didn’t have the money or the proper finances in place for her future.The short of it, was that I didn’t have full control of my life, and even if I went behind the wheel to take control, I didn’t feel like I was driving with a full tank, you know what I’m saying? Numerically, the odds were against me. Nonetheless, I didn't give up, I started this blog assiduously. And with a little push from my husband, who is also my best friend. As I was sayin earlier on, I had to go on mat leave. For him starting a blog was something that needed to get done, in order for me not to sabotage my own mental health. When I started, I was hopeless and beat down int he slums. I had no creative juices flowing through me. I technically was like a blank piece of paper. I kind of had to do my research and I decided if I didn’t try it, I would have not had a taste when I got to reap the big rewards. Presently, I am so grateful I listened to my husband. I have limitless things that I can say I am grateful for after starting this. I would say that initially I had to set time aside for writing, but as time went on I got better at the scheduling. If you have a dream you’re chasing after, don’t give in, you think you’re slower than the rest and that you are alone in this but you aren’t the only one. The road is tough, is currently tougher than ever was. If you have faith in yourself & you believe. Your realization will make it possible and that alone is what sooner or later is going to get you to where you’re going. Cheers. <3


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