When the three constitutions are in the right balance.

Would you like to play a game? Let’s say you have a magical looking glass that allows you to closely look and examine your health and make any changes you wish you could do. And change the aspects of yourself that you wish you could have. Think about it as a computer, when you go online shopping for example, like in todays age and day that is a regular, normal thing. We don’t even need to move from our seats, we just take the information in and bask in its beauty. Wouldn’t it be beautiful? Well, you have the facts now what do you do with it? If the game came with the manual, would you play it?

Well, this is how the constitutions work in the human body. When you were born you were assigned three constitutions because that is just the way your body works, okay lets say that you don’t like the way your body is or the constitutions that you’re body came with, or they are very complicated. Maybe you could change the game rules a bit. You can put the kettle on, because I have a treat for you my friends. It’s tea time, am I right?

Just in case I forget, I wanted to let you know that there are ways that you can release old karmic patterns in your life, isn’t that great?! It’s wonderful. I think this is such a relief. It’s making me less tense. If you want to go into a private area where you won’t be disturbed then this is great for you to start this exercise, it is also a good routine to try and practice it with someone else my friends. The mantras, its the best way to treat karmic patterns in your life my friends. It’s like CBT ( Cognitive behavioural therapy but its different because I created it and its unique for I call it Conscioussness Creative Therapy.  Let’s say that you deal with stress in your life or a mental illness that is causing you an imbalance. Well let’s direct all of our focus and energy into a good little word I like to call: OM. THere it is. THe word OM is rumoured by the Hindus who by the way are perceived to be the oldest religion in the world, don’t be fooled, by their spicy cuisine and love of all things yogini. OM is considered the omnipresent sound, which is why your body feels so peaceful after you’re done meditating on it. There are other mantras in the world of Ayurveda each one is in accord with its typical chakra. The chakras are vortexes of energy spiraling in your body. The OM mantra is the most powerful though, you should repeat this before or after meditation, or even during. It’s good just plainly used by itself,like white rice, I suppose. Imagine that you are very troubled about an assignment at work & you are trying to get it done. Just so you know, knowing that you are sitting in front of the tv procrastinating on your assignment is creating all sorts of unhealthy associations in your body and in your brain. These are all of of the bodily energies that influences you humans on this earth. Just sit down away from the tv for a bit and try to repeat this words into your minds eye. According to karmic law, our spirit continues after physical death. Negative emotions can encourage bad karma. That’s why we need to start meditating. Because, I think that when you are fixated on yourself, rerouting how we think is of utter importance. Its like doing a U-turn, that is until you find the road to get back on again. Change your disposition, just say stop it. These are things that you are able to implement in your daily life if you’re experiencing a serious ailment. Other things you could try is yoga, power walking in nature, food and nutrition, after all you are what you eat, meditation, but that requires sitting in a room by yourself. These remedies are at least partially, if not fully, effective in healing disease. It’s like when you have suffered from a blackout, you have to find the torch in the cellar, if not the whole room will be submerged in complete darkness. Try to find the torch within you, you have the key to ignite it. You know the way. <3


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