
In today’s age and time we are sorrounded by people that have mental issues. I hear it everyday in the media, my friends posts, Facebook. I don’t hear like someone threw a rock at me. I keep hearing this person is driving me out of my mind. It’s different nowadays. I think mental health is huge, let’s just say that I feel like I am just gracing the surface when I say that. I believe, that there is no way to mask pain. I think it’s just like putting a pretty bandage on an  iceberg. Hoping that it won’t crash against the next floating piece of ice in the Arctic Ocean. Is kind of crazy. When the blues are around the corner there is no safe way to cuddle those blues away around the corner. But you don’t have to change a thing because you’re beautiful by being you. I think I heard on the radio one singer say you’ve got issues , baby it’s a no brainer because everyone has them. But at the same time you can’t let that get to you, you gotta talk about them bad feelings. Starving for love is no good thing. Is the same thing as starving for food and for the necessities that everybody needs to get by in life. Just look in the mirror and let that shine be brighter than the light they want to cast over you. Be brave, cause when you were a baby no one told you what to do in your mother’s belly. You were just beautiful. Everybody sings about this in the songs they play on the radio. One talk might just change your whole mind. I’m saying this because going on the holiday season these things are rising and I’m not about to lose another of my friends. One of my friends died a year ago during the holidays and it just keeps happening holiday after holiday. Like there is no one in the world who invented a bandage for growing pains. On a whole different side note, I'm a shallow person, which is in no moment in time something that I am proud of. Is like having polio and not having the vaccine. You guys are probably wondering what is this chick talking about? But it is something that hasn’t even been completely eradicated. They call it the disease of the 20th century because it is something of the past that is still in the present. Fact: Do you know how hard it is to get people vaccinated against polio I’m pretty sure countries that experience poverty will remain that way for dozens of years. Polio shots are very effective against polio; but not against the brain fever that everyone is susceptible to during childhood. Because of that fever people get polio. Crazy, right? The worst, I know because I used to live near a guy who had polio and I had to live and walk by his house all of the time. The guy looked pretty nimble. I mean, he was always sitting there in his sweet little wheelchair and sort of looking sad. The whole time I thought maybe the polio had hit him way early. But it turned out it was clearly during his childhood years. He just hadn’t had that extraordinary experience that most of us enjoy here in the West. To have free healthcare (in Canada). Whatever the reason, I don’t think there is access to medicine so prevention is very good my friends. Which is another method I like to choose, not only for this but for everything ranging from medicine, health and staying fit for my family and myself. Speaking of which this brings me to my next point, I posted some pictures of my family on this post because it is Christmas soon as I’m currently in the midst of preparations.

Technically, bottom line is don’t let anybody design you, like you’re invisible, technically you’re not. You stand out of the crowd you guys and what makes you think you’re less than everybody else. Because, I think others opinions can’t get the best of you unless your willing to let them. Shouldn’t you have control of yourself and what you think and not even be bothered by other opinions? If you can do this you can make anything! You are just as worthy in this world, as every other person.


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