Late night snack for your kiddos or yourself

Hi, I’m experiencing the munchies late into the night hours. I’m exhausted, and I find that i don’t have the energy I used to to prepare or be healthy. However in our house health is key. Healthy mind, body and eyes are important so that they can keep growing that way. I’m going to share a recipe with you so that you guys have an idea as to what to buy when you’re out and about in the supermarket. Bananas are very good. Good in magnesium and potassium. I live in Canada, I don’t get too much sun up here and I have a bit of a snow aversion. So I don’t get out too much at all. I have been feeling  very twitchy at night. As soon as my husband gets home I tell him I’m feeling a bit better after I finish walking in the treadmill but I wanna catch some sun because I have been reading that getting sun is really good for you. You need to catch the Vitamin D. It appears that all of the symptoms that I have been experiencing is because I am excersicing way late into the night. And also because I am lacking Vitamin D. So to make this story short, the very best thing is to get going earlier in the day. Like vacuum or something and eat healthier at night. Make yourself a smoothie or a peanut butter & banana sandwich, smash a couple of cashews or almonds and this is superb.


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