Herb infused honey

If you go through my cupboards you will find lots of spices on a rack. Three of my favourite things are: honey, lavender, rosemary and peppermint. You gotta make this for the holidays. It’s easy as one two three, or as easy as do re mi. So easy is that recipe. That I’m telling you to try it in less than 5 minutes, okay. lm telling you it’s the easiest literally and hypothetically: Get some honey, put it in a pot. Boil it for like 2 minutes until it boils up and the bubbles come to the surface. Yup, it’s the surfboard emoji lol I am using it to illustrate the point.  🏄‍♀️ I figured it does quite the nice job. I love the look of it. Followed, by adding you favourite herbs or not. You can skip this part it won’t hurt it. Just it won’t happen to be infused. You get it?🍯 Keep it and store it in a dark, cool place at least 18 degrees Celsius. I mean, this is a masterpiece. As much as it is a mystery. You will love it very much. It’s so amazing. It’s epic. Don’t worry, it’s very mess free. 


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