
They say that your health is the biggest wealth. I know what you are thinking, we barely even think of our health in terms of prevention, what the hell is this girl talking about. No problem, the bus ain’t leaving the station yet guys. But rest your tired heads my friends. I am among one of the few people fighting a cold and the hazey thoughts that come around to preen on our well-being. I can barely get any sleep at night. I just happened to come across this health inforgraphic, I think its so cool because it lays out the basics. Which is so important to learn you guys because now I know just what to do and I wasn’t aware there were so many of the symptoms that I had which led me to believe it was a cold but its a sinus infection, which is far than worse. To be honest with you, I feel a lot better after finding out what it was. Today I’m posting to share it with you.


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