You will BEE amazed!

Honey is one of the best things in the world. There are so many things you can learn about honey like for example: if the ancient Greeks deemed it as the food of the GODS then you can consume it. Hindus simply consider honey an elixir of inmortality. Honey remains the most interesting thing in history, since facts are very mixed up. I came up with a list of the health benefits of honey for you to look at, and make your own conclusions in your mind. It is made of 80% sugar and 20% water, it contains all of the vital things to carry life. So if you were stuck in the jungle during a complete earth wipeout, it would be important for you to find a bee's nest when you are starving because it contains all of the enzymes, vitamins and nutrients to sustain life. It contains "pinocembrym", a substance said to improve brain functioning. If you are like me then you like to take care of the people you love, honey is an excellent inmune system supporter when it is given to people with weakened inmune systems. You know you should be doing a cleanse yearly, I will warn you that you probably won't like the taste but if you mix equal amounts of honey, vinegar and water and drink from it, you will energize yourself and cleanse your body of harmful toxins. Aids in nourishing skin, wether you like to apply it to your freshly cleansed skin. It can be used as a sugar substitute.  Honey will act as a cleanser because of its antimicrobial properties, that's why it is best if you consume it in hot beverages, but beware not to consume to much, for it is high in sugar. It also works well at least it has worked for me as a cut healing ointment. If you have a cut or any skin abrasions that you need to speed up healing Pronto, just dab some honey on it and Boom, there you have it. It improves athletic performance, we all have a person in our lives that is always pushing us around to make healthier choices and live active lives. Just take a little bit of honey with you and you can instantly make yourself happy and them also, just make sure you buy it local and you will also be doing mother earth a favour. <3


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