I've decided I will keep this short today, I will only leave you with a question, who are the people who matter the most to you my friends? Think about it. <3
Hogs bean, or how its commonly called Henbane, a deadly nightshade. Family belonging to the Solanaceae, rapidly intoxicating if consumed, like some kids in your typical backyard in everyday exotic Instanbul, Turkey. That consumed it, if you don’t know what’s in it why do you need to eat it? Learn from these kids my friends> A salve of henbane, belladonna, applied to the skin said it had the powers of making you feel as if you were flying, Therefore, yep you guessed it, because you are smart like fortune cookies, they were considered witches fave salves. A medical study showed that the same group of kids, because they were being kids, as part of a game, as I mentioned earlier, ya, they consumed this plant & became severely intoxicated after for real. Don’t do it kids, you don’t know what you’re getting into. LOL I Kidd I Kidd.. I feel like this plant could easily be speculated that the Devil was the one who created it as a lab experiment in a high-tech, movie like laboratory. Ge...
I came across a powerful message in Instagram: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. I think is so true, because it's not about the places you have been to. The best things in life are the people you've loved, the places you've seen, and the memories you've been making along the journey that is life. What other greater glory is there other than sharing precious moments with those around you, Life goes by in an instant, let me tell you. I was hospitalized not too long ago, I won't get into details, but when I was in the hospital, in my bed, I remember telling myself back then and there, that you never know who your real friends in life are until you meet the ones that are willing to hold your hand during the darkest moments. When the darkness comes knocking on your front door steps, shake it off like its the dirt of a mat. Nonetheless it can get pretty serious for some people sometimes. At which point the darkness has conquered all o...
Have you ever wanted to take better pictures of your food? Have you gazed at your friends Instagram feeds and their delectable shots filled with opulent meals and food adventures? There is a way for you to take pictures that are awesome too! YUM! YUM! And your friends, well let's just say they are going to turn with jelousy of your pictures. I suggest you begin your food exploration by adding style to your pictures. I think switching your camera modes to Portrait will be great. Shoot everything food related on Portrait mode. Begin fueling your passion and taking pictures everywhere you go! Just try it. It's free. Create beautiful dishes at home and take pictures of it. Its just an awesome way to pass time as well as a delicious hobby that will come in handy for you in the future, as well as giving you a new perspective on your new following of friends. Whenever you shoot, try closing in the subject and amplifying the object to fill the whole screen. Marvel at your truly, unique...
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