Seriously amish: I tried to revoke my media usage.

For one week I tried, not taking in any media, this included news media, social media and entertainment. I did not listen to the radio, iPod, or Cd's; didn't watch TV, films, or videos; didn't read the newspaper, books or magazines ( wether online or in print form) Is this possible? you're asking? Sure is. Didn't surf the internet; and didn't check my blog or social media websites like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Yea, it feels awesome, not really. It didn't feel awesome. Technically, you could do this, and it's not bad. Remarkable as it may seem I started having withdrawal symptom. Let's be honest guys, I can say that I am probably not the only one. I think they coined a term now for people who live in extremely busy cities in the world that are addicted to their phones. Sometimes not in a natural way. Although, the world is pretty well much a technical setting, there is no reason why this should rule our lives. Because we take an increase in toxic media and news and this can certainly damage our hearts, self- esteem and well being. Wether, physically or mentally this can have a serious effect on our social and cognitive-behavioral patterns of thought. Not only it does affect our bodies, it leaves an ecological footprint. A bad one in case you didn't know. Now you know. How passionate are you about saving the world on a global scale? I am not referring to the lime scale left in your bathroom after you take a hot shower. I know I am pretty passionate, one of the reasons why I decided to start blogging to share my passion with others. That simple. I think that a steady diet of negative new makes the mind ill. Give the mind the good medicine of silence. I tried this and it was so hard, almost unfathomable. It requires a high degree of patience and almost beauty. There is also the social pressure to stand out among your peers. The setting that you encounter yourself in, you want to put it to the test? Lastly, your in control of your mind and body. This month, I will entering in my thirties, which means I will be thirty years old. I think I've been hit by a mid-life crisis. That's why I want you to try this, if you can. I want to help you move out into the world of woe and make a positive difference. By simply implementing these practices: establish a heart that is open and a mind that is serene and clear, I love the sound of that word, isn't it beautiful? It fills your soul in wonderment. Sabotage any ideas that you can't persist, remember what your resisting it's whats persisting. We are silly and ignorant beings, have you ever read about the Buddhist master Shonin, well he said that: "when we acknowledge our own foolishness, when we are willing even to be foolish, many possibilities open up". We can learn to change our unwholesome moods and thought patterns by ourselves, with he help of books, without any equipment or expense. Like any skill, it takes time and lots of practice. <3


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