Post delayed because of illness :(

I woke up today with a cough, I have been sick all day long. How are you doing, my friends? Where are you right now? I'm feeling like everybody is off trying to accomplish something lately. How do you guys take it easy. I love playing the ukelele. It's a small string instrument, like a tiny guitar. I also feel like Christmas is around the corner, don't you my friends? I am so excited to see Santa this year, because last year I missed out big time my friends. Now, I have a baby and I can see how this year is going to be super special, besides I have something to look forward to. The other day we took our family from Toronto, we live in Alberta, for a quick drive and Holy Smokes we saw a bear! Rummaging in the garbage, they are so huge.
Alberta is so full of wonders, I mean in the nature sense. In a way I feel like I live in another level. I've eradicated the shopping sprees from my life and I have replaced them with long walks in nature, when I'm not sick of course. When it's sunny out my family and I like to enjoy each other out in long rides, maybe grabbing a cup of fresh java to enjoy the road at the nearest Starbucks and it's road trip time. It's as easy as 1,2,3,4,5 and then I take photos because it really is imensely helpful in dealing with the winter blues, I've completely vanished them once I started shooting. <3


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