Letting go of nasty old habits.

There is nothing like a brand new sense of freshness. It's symbolic of a new start, of new beginnings. Travelers have been since the dawn of time, enjoying a myriad of ways to travel. There are various types of travel, by airplane, by car, by boat & by train. I've decided to embark on an adventure, please check my blog for future increments of pictures and commentaries as I travel. Be sure to leave a comment if you see something that sugars you up just the right way. Please don't leave without a comment. Make sure you let me know if there is anything I should include in my trip. I also appreciate if you leave me any feedback, since no great endeavor was ever accomplished as the one you accomplish with the help of others. I keep updating my website throughout the day, maybe sometimes even a couple of times within the hour. If you can read, for real, leave me some comments, it enables me to get to know you a bit better and it gives you a sense of connectedness that most people who don't communicate with me do not have, Thank you guys. Unfortunately, in this post, I don't have much to say. But it shouldn't matter what you have to say, as long as it is purposeful. As I said earlier,  I am going to be going on a long journey soon, because I feel like I don't get to enjoy travel as part of a healthy commute. Or its like routine for me now. I want to get to enjoy it. I think it's more about the destination for me, nowadays, and it should not be that way. I think this trip will also allow me to work, while at the same time I can take part in a myriad of ways a pleasurable, leisure-friendly trip brings joy into your life. It's a pause that refreshes. I like to travel, like most people. I find the smallest things during a trip to be very delightful. I am a very observational person. This is an extremely useful skill to have, one that most people do not have. It enable us to let an old and harmful habit go and wither as we cultivate new and healthy ones. I like to quit smoking and start being healthy, by waking up early and have the motivation to go to the gym and start working out. What are some of your old habits that you are trying to purge? if you don't mind please feel free to share. <3


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