Islands + Beaches

Hi, how are you doing my friends? I come from an island, found in the Caribbean, which houses some of the best beaches in the world. I want to share this with you because this is like a hidden gem, a pearl, that only few people are cognizant of. I am from Holguin, sure it doesn't have the name of popular, and extremely prestigious beaches in the Occidental Coast like in Varadero, Habana, for instance but the beaches from where I am from are so nice that it looks like the ocean is trying to reach to try to scoop up some soft, powdery sand.  
I urge you to explore this place my friends, this island along with the beaches make up for one of the loveliest, if not most proper, friendliest people on the planet.
A rumbera in a typical traditional fashion, walking the streets of La Habana vieja. I loved this trip!

This is a beach that you can find in Givara, Christopher Columbus official place of discovery.
This is me, I am sitting in the midst of a garden, where the statues are sitting in a circle in the table of silence.


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