How you CAN get more BANG from your bean: from the store back to your wallet.

I am regular coffee and tea drinker. I can't lie, I can't live without the warmth of a good' old cup of joe. When the winter kicks in, especially because I am higher up North, my coffee cravings and tea desires comes in for a double-round, ride in the hay. This time a year specially because I don't think anyone else lovessss this hot beverage as I do. I think Starbucks is making a killing with me, I am a huge fan of their S'mores drink. C'mon who thinks of putting s'mores in a drink? Totally fab, or how a friend I have says, Totes. A little bit of facts because I am also, alas, a fact lover. A pound of ground coffee yields 50 cups while a pound of loose tea leaves yields some 200 cups. Put it on your Instagram caption, next time you go to Starbucks for a nice espresso. And did you know that Ariana Grande had a coffee cup size named after her? I digress. If you are like me, most times you tend to go outside, during work hours and buy a coffee or a tea. That kills your wallet in the long run. Why? Do you ask my dear friends? Well, why do you think, coffee shops are always really busy? In the long run you are literally, doing the harakiri, financially speaking. The low cost of tea is one of the reasons why tea is the MOST popular drink in the world after water. Because caffeine is highly soluble in hot water, rinsing the teas by brewing them for twenty seconds then discarding the initial brew will get rid of most of the caffeine, unless you are of course of a different type of breed and need that heavenly caffeineited mug to perform during your busy work week. Brew a cup in your home and take it in a travel thermos. Voila, there, instanteneously, your wallet says thank you and your healthy, because believe it or not, the psychological effects of buying coffee every week, adds up in the long term. Making us an easy target for the winter blues and crazy spikes in our moods. <3


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