How you can get back on your feet after a high stress day.

Hello, it's another day. When you have childen it's complicated to make time yourself. Even older people with children have issues with that. Everyone. I think that everyone is looking for a creative outlet these days, and when things dont turn up, that creates massive levels of tiredness and stress. I think the tiredness is something easily eradicated with tons of sleeping. I am a big believer of the power of sleeping in your nice comfy bed with your favorite socks. When it comes to the stress levels. I have acquired accolades for stress management. Or so I though. I thought I'd challenge myself at something that I'm good at.  It's not television, it's not, even though I'm very good at it. As shame reverberates in my head, i know that watching long hours of TV is a bad habit. I don't know what it is, because I'm even not mindful of the food that I eat anymore, or even worse the chores that I carry out on a daily basis, are hardly carried out to their perfection. I'm usually thinking about watching TV. For real, Tv and I have a bittersweet history that's what I'm going to call it. I think a big punishment for me it would be not watching television. It's such a good distraction. Anyway, I'm not going to continue hulling you about this topic. As tempting as it is, really, it is. I guess Television helps us with our own types of depression. And if it's raining or if its snowing outside it can really lift your mood. It can also improve your spirits. Thank God for that little gift from a supreme power to humans, does anyone knows what it's called? Netflix. I think if you are struggling with stress at work, a Netflix binge might be your ticket for stress relief. There are many options out there for you, including, walks in nature, reading and sleeping. But in this weather, who is going to summon the courage to excercise? Say your prayers. Why don't you make yourself a hot cup of white chocolate, yes, why don't you? I insist.  Think cold weather and ice, what does that instantly remind you of? I know what it reminds me of.  Call your other half for a warm blanket and a hot cup of organic fair trade cocoa and Netflix. Which by the way, an interesting fact, gets rid of movies people aren't watching anymore, on a monthly basis. I urge you to stop wasting time and go turn on your Netflix. Enjoy it wether it's a regular monthly subcription or a premium one of the highest quality. I don't want you to forget the little marshmellows that eveyone loves so very much floating around the top & Bon apetit! <3


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