How I make the best out of Winter gloomy days.

Hi, how are you my friends? I hope ya'll enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Netflix is the cure for all of your issues this winter. Just slap on a couple of hot socks and BOOM! There you have it! Or even call up some friends, and have a famous, reputable, Netflix and chill kind of night, I have to be honest with you. I didn't see why so many people were into this new era tradition. But honest to goodness, now I can see it. Here it is an app that lets you control what is sitting in front of you. I can see why after a day of long hard work, driving, being stuck in traffic and someone yelling at you or even that pizza delivery order not making it on time by the time you get home, or your laundry not being folded properly by your favorite chinese laundromat person on duty. I can see why it is that all you want to do is sit down and put on your favorite show with a bowl of buttered popcorn. I was just watching a documentary last night and it said that stress doubles if you are struggling with a task and you don't get a positive reinforcement, therefore if you are constantly in high stress situations and your fantastic boss is being an asshole to you, you are geared to experience higher stress. Considering all of the above, the best you can do is not to succumb to the high demands of our modern society. You deserve to have your own coven sanctuary. <3


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