Heaven delight or Hellish nightmare?

Have you ever wondered into the strangest of certain films? Particularly how they portray certain things, like heaven or hell. Does it exist kids? Hollywood filmmakers and producers are very articulate in this category, sending us into a inner struggle, the existential type, if you know what I'm saying. All I have to say is that, is this what we are showing our younger kids, they are the next generations to come. Is our view of heaven or hell less than idyllic, for real. More on the wild side? I think we need to start taking things a bit more lightly, So I've decided to blog about this, because I have a daughter here. I don't want to bring any discord into her brain. Media has already been frolicking with my on ideas of a land full of myrrh or a place that is essentially in constant chaos. Let's just put it simply. Being humans, and being from this earth, are we really buying this stuff of ahem, Adam & Eve? I mean Eve was our, like, momma? I could easily say, although this may come off to some puritans as the word of the devil and even blasphemy, that I don't believe in what the Bible says. Isn't the church responsible for the abduction of many children and even they are in hot water since they were responsible of the child molestation accusations? My God, does God even exist at this point? Listen, my friends, the BIBLE clearly says, I'm not going to get into it, but it says it so, very poignantly, the way is that we must learn to coexist with each OTHA! isn't that the main ethos of living thoughhh! What every patriarchal figure has tried to teach us, in the history of life. I do believe in Jesus, but I'm so sick and tired because I feel like the guy struggled for our sins, yet he receives no praise whatsover. <3


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