For a fresh start: try Bikram yoga

Bikram yoga is so sensationalized. In the media, in the movies. C'mon, I can't be the only one in the universe that knows about it? You do know the crazy, latest things about its numerous health benefits for your mind and body right? I can't begin to explain what yoga does to you. Immediately, I can bring up, some serious changes to your posture, I have scoliosis. I am no longer in need of a body cast but I was wearing one for like the longest time in high school. I thought I was one of the weird kids, for real, like I abhor any memories that bring up what I put up with. You have no idea. I decided, that mainly because of my back issues I would start doing yoga. Yo, you have no idea. Issues that were there were gone and within days I started walking like there was no scoliosis, to be afraid of. I didn't even become mindful of the mental side effects until afterwards, because you will never know until you try it right? Well by the time that I struggled getting up at like, 4:00 o'clock in the morning to work out and I live in the cold Northern Hemisphere, its chilly, nordic, tundra like weather, I only wanted to push the snooze button and go to sleep, I told myself that I wanted to stay under the covers. The blankets are so soft and warm, I didn't surreptitiously wanted to leave my bedroom. I made up my mind and felt my back, I was in so much pain, OMG, my bad posture had been catching up with me, lately I had been neglecting so much, and my body, it created a wave that came down in a descent, creating this ripple effect on my body that was slowly aging my spine. I was like an inverted giant "S". I only wanted to work out and get better. I consulted with my doctor which is on my list for doctors that I would marry, if I wasn't already married you know what I'm saying? Anyway, you understand me, you are clever cookies. I talked with my doctor the next day, and I did as she told me. I have to be honest with you guys, I can't keep up with certain routines, I think I might have Aspergers or something related to coping with a schedule. Because I couldn't get myself motivated enough to work out. Even though I knew this was good for me in the long run, I knew it, my goodness gracious. It was so hard, you wouldn't believe it. I almost told myself that if I excercised I would lay off Instagram for a week. As a form of punishment. Needless to say, I wanted to complete my excercises, so in the end, I asked one of my friends to come to the gym with me, I realized that why shouldn't I include a friend. I almost felt like a brand new horizon was nearing, I could finally see myself being fit and healthy again. I wanted to nurture myself, I don't smoke or drink, only occasionally. I don't engage in recreational drugs or sex. Certainly, I could do this if I wanted to. I guess is like the clockwork of getting a book published. After you've adequately equipped yourself with the necessary tools, you have found the title for your book and in return you're getting many calls from prestigious publishers. I had no motivation, my god I was stuck in a rut. I was calling it the Kabuki rut, which is a name I have for when I am not seeing the end of the line. (End goal already multiple times revised) I reckoned, maybe I am not the yoga type, or the athletic gene has not included me in their cliquey pool. I summoned the mental strength & physical stamina that was left in me, that together with some hard work, and I was going to the gym after that like 4-5 times a week. I though I was weak at first, like most of you do. I was creating my own doom. Be positive, my friends, because in the end, when it really comes down to it, it's only yourself that you're eating down to it. I am a fan of rumination, but its not your fault is it? It's just a part of being human. And the best thing of being human, is being humanely kind to ourselves. I did do the yoga exercise and to this day I am a big fan of Bikram yoga and I have so many friends to prove it. Doing yoga has neutralized my anxiety, I mean, its been a trip, but it has quite the annihilating power. <3


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