Depression, The illness of a new era.

I remember when I was in elementary school they made us write the date at the top of every page. I still remember that very clearly. I remember that you had to write whatever year, after the corresponding date and such, and also include the type of age or era kind of, it was very bizarre. Like for example, I would write today's date and then right next to it, Age of Technology. In today's age and time, we are being afflicted by something our ancestors could have not predicted. In many medicine books and even doctors themselves could not have a diagnosis for all that afflicts our generation. The millenialls, so important it is for us to recognize it & talk about it. In an age where everything is at your fingertips how could we ever think about this disease that it is at our peril, it is something with a cause and effect. Everybody talks about it, yet nobody seems to overcome it. The feelings are too strong, usually taking some of us to the grave. Depression and mental health has become one of the major illnesses of the 21st century, it has been depicted in Hollywood films,  everywhere in the social networks, even in kids toys. It has a huge presence in schools all the way from elementary to uni campuses all over the globe. It's an international pest, like the black plague that afflicted so many people in ancient civilizations. I hope I get to live to witness and/or be part of the cure. After all, we gotta strive to be the change we want to see in the world. I know about this topic way too much, it is something that you could ask me about and i could easily tell you so many stories. I can honestly write a book about it. ENTER AYAHUASCA, a crazy, fast growing drug of choice among new age groups & rookies. Usually people who take this drug don't care about the consequences it has on their minds, bodies because it doesn't matter to them. I took Ayahuasca in Peru, when I went to South America. In an attempt to explore the world, but I was far too young and far too into the world of drugs, mainly psychedelics. Ayahuasca is a natural plant, you take in the form of a brew that is concocted and given to you by a shaman, in a shamanic ritual. If you want to see your ugly side do it, if you don't like to face your fears don't do it. Technically, is the most powerful drug you will ever consume. I don't think you can consume it, it consumes you. I went to hell and back during the trip. Ayahuasca takes over and you basically become it's bitch even if you're the most aware person ever and you are into yoga, meditation, etc. Which I will talk about in my next post. I exploited this drug by consuming it over a period of three days in a retreat on a mountain in Machu Pichu in the Andes Mountains. Besides the fact that it will send you on a creepy trip and you will not recognize the person you are, even after the effects have passed. This drug will alter the manifestation of your fears and beyond and even distort your reality. It is not addicting but it has brain altering effects that can change you forever. I know this because it has worked on me and it had a tremendous impact on me and my relationships with people. Furthermore, I was clinically depressed at the time I took this, so I don;t recommend it if you are clinically depressed, anyhow, I digress. Ayahuasca is a plant that grows in the Amazon jungle, it is native of South America, however I do belieive that Native Americans in other parts of the world consume it too. It has no recorded data of killing people, Although many people have really bad trips which they would categorize as the death of the self or ego death and along with the setting youre in it can maxime the effect and the control it has on you. It is usually taken in a brew. A shaman will prepare it for you, previously you have to prepare for the ceremony by cleansing your body. You purify it by consuming less foods, drinking lots of water and not talking. Like going on a silence retreat. In order to get to know yourself better. I have to be perfectly honest with you my friends. Nowhere on the web dictates that this trip will change your life if you take it. I am telling you do not disregard the fact that it will change your life forever. Again, this is a very controversial topic that you should look further into it if you are considering it. <3


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