Conniving brain: You’re leftie or righteous right brain?

The right-left hemispheres of the brain are a rad working system and a hindrance. As we know, I know for a fact, that there are multiple ways to find out if you’re the methodical, number crunching type, or if you’re a creative thinking personality based. The number of personality based quizzes on the internet is staggering. How do you find out if you are a left-brain hemisphere type or the right brainy type? Well, I am about to tell you, if you keep reading on, you will find out shortly.:) It turns out I am a righty. I have a few things to add to my list in terms of characteristics. Is it possible to have both hemispheres as part of a healthy personality you ask? Yes! You can be good at both! Wonderful, isn't it? Its baffling as it is cool, left and right brain activities are possible, unless you have a pre-existing condition that inhibits you from carrying out daily activities that you normally excel in if you’re righty, like me or a leftie. Almost, all persons in the universe are both, with an exception, you almost always have a dominant side, for example, if you carry out most days mundaneness and you notice you tend to take on better when you are assigned digital tasks, mailing things, however you are a left-brain and that is the part that is the most active throughout your day. The tricky part comes when the two hemispheres overlap in your brain. My goodness have you ever seen the movie Brain on fire? Or read the famous title that came before the show? I recommend it, you won't regret it. You need to come into awareness of when and where you are using your left or right sides. The way the brain works is full of complexities, yet it is simple in it’s nature. Seriously, my friends, you ever read a book on anatomy of the brain? Read one. No singing up for a university course in Oxford or Yale, world renowned educational institutions required. TRUST ME, oh, oh I suggest you watch the movie; A beautiful mind as it is an incredible film. This was filmmaking at its best, and it is the most addictive film of its era. You're welcome. AM I One of the few left (no pun intended) die hard fans of Ayurveda & the constitutions? For all I know, I might be. If you don't know what they are, they are the top-notch way of describing how to start a diet like a superstar. In accordance to the specific type of body that you are living in. I digress, but its fine because its important to know this. And regarding left/right sides of your brain, how is his relatable you’re asking? The most important thing is this’ll change your lifestyle and you’re a step away from changing your life and that of your families. Ayurveda is the study of the constitutions: Pitta, Kapha & Vatta. The constitutions as well as the hemispheres is the part that you need to learn about if you’re interested in this topic and trust me there are a lots for you to investigate. If you’re a Kapha, for example and are a leftie you need to remind yourself that as you go on with your day you need to keep in mind that you’re kind of in the middle my friends. The left brain manages the logical process, think if your good at mathematics, then the left brain is on your side my friends. For example, then you have to keep it in balance, do less analytical activities as & let your creative sides take over as much as you can. Over time it will become second nature. Give it a turn and for sure you will notice a difference in your surroundings. If you are in a strictly confined environment, try using opposite hand to getting your task at hand done in a timely fashion. It gets both sides of your brains fire up, in no time===<3


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