Chapstick is everything.

Hi! There is something so idyllic about chapstick. It reminds me of standing in front of a beach in the summer. I love the beach, as a matter of fact I come from a place where it's a never ending summer. The heat, the sun's powerful rays all damage your skin. Chapstick acts as a strong barrier, protecting us from the elements in nature. If it's SPF-15, it's even better for you. I didn't even know the benefits of chapstick until I got a Burt's BEE'S and I tell you the chapstick flavour wasn't my fav but it changed my life. For real. The wind and the ultraviolet rays can cause permanent direct damage. The pollution from cars can just add extra effect on the elasticity loss. Also, mind the collagen, yep you heard it right> It's what makes that extra skin tight. Chapstick contains salicylic acid, and they also make great little things to pull out from your bag. The skin is constantly being renewed, while we eat, sleep, bathe and drive our cars to and from work. The elements also try to take all the moisture it can to withdraw our collagen reserves. Hence why the beauty industry is a billion dollar industry. And Botox and Collagen injections, along with Restylane are so popular, and are all of the rage in 30 something to middle aged women. Anyways, I digress, on a different note, actually it is proven that by the time your lips feel cracked, it is already too late. You are completely dehydrated. That's awful, don't you think so? Drinking water is important, we all learned that from our teachers and Tv infomercials while we grew up. Nobody, not even me can tell you to drink more water on a daily basis. However, have you ever wondered why do we drink water to replenish our bodies but not to hydrate and moisturize our lips? It is not sexy, let's be honest. I particularly suffer from this in the winter. Here in Canada, lips cracked is by far the most common thing. Also, in the midst of a winter storm, what is it that you do? CRANK UP THE HEAT! that's right! and have hot showers and don't apply lip balm or lotion afterwards. That is a terrible mistake. Don't do it, because you will look like a twisted version of Johnny Depp in your thirties. That is if you haven't commenced damaging your precious asset, skin and lips, in your early twenties. Trust me when I say, drink water, it's important in keeping your body fat reserves too! SO in a way your weight loss schedule is being delayed by far much more if you are going to the gym, so I think you should reconsider those New Year's resolutions and include drinking tons and tons of water. <3


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