Big Panda Palooza: BPP

I love nature and animals. After all, in this day and age, animals are mainly consisting of the domesticated friends we keep in our homes. I do love wild animals. However, I like docile ones, like the Panda. I recently visited the Zoo, and I admired the Panda's lookout from a distance. Did you know that Pandas can live up to 15-20 years? And they can poop at least 6-7 times in a DAY! Since most of their diets is mainly composed of bamboo. Which, is 99 % the veggie they eat as a matter of fact. These animals are considered carnivores, and they have cat-like-pupils. These furry animals, furry and adorable. Pandas are so admirable but from a distance, don't ever feel like you have the need to come up close to one. It will certainly attack you and you will wind up in the hospital. It sure looks like it is a cuddly bear, but in this case it's more the latter than the former. I didn't get a chance to admire their beauty as much, because they were sleeping. As you might have seen on documentaries about our Asian Winnie the Pooh they also have their own self-esteem issues gaining usually in between 150 kg-330 kg. However, though considering the fact that they're so sedentary and barely move, they are prone to weight gain. UH-OH, yep that's right. On a side note, I would love to visit China and see them in their own habitat, am I suddenly naive to want this? Or super exaggerated? Or remotely silly? I do admit that to see a Panda in captivity is to witness a wonder of wise mother nature, because they are so majestic, I didn't even want to leave their passage. I watched them roll around in their cages and eat bamboo leaves from a safe distance. I right away started bonding with them, because Pandas can sleep from 10 pm to 12:00 am, that's a really neat fact, indeed. It's almost like most of us humans. I hope, if you haven't had the chance to enjoy these creatures you do so in the future. For it is an amazing experience. <3


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