Bellflower: A world of inspiration

I love feeling inspired, to me this is the best feeling in the whole wide world. What is it for you? What moves you? I like flowers. I really take inspiration in  divination form and that aspect of the flowers as a whole. For example, let's say I happen to cross paths with a campanula or I visit a friends house and they have a particular flower to which its symbolism is unknown to me, I have to decipher it. I find this intriguing and to be honest with you it's a great way to pass  time and let stress melt away. Somedays when I'm feeling very stressed out or I had a hectic week at work, I come home light up some candles, sit and read about flowers that have a certain ring to it. Each flower has a distinct meaning or definitive purpose. There are zillion's of flowers in the world. For a reason they exist on this wonderful world we live in. They are here to amaze us and adorn us with their fragrances and undeniable beauty. Campanula, for instance is a peculiar flower and it's name came from the Latin campana, which translates directly to bell. Moreover, I always say that everything that happens to you is for a reason my friends. This one symbolizes gratitude and clarity. According to the Greeks, Venus owned a magic looking-glass with the power to transform anything ordinary into something of outstanding and extraordinary beauty. When Cupid accidentally broke the mirror each broken piece of shard turned into a lovely bellflower. Little bellflowers are also believed to be gifts left by fairies to humans. I tend to look at the bright side of things, many people tell me that when they fail to see beauty around them they come to me so that I can help them see it with more clarity. Why don't you give this a try my friends. I suggest you to try it, you never know what you might discover>>


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