Before I fall: Acclaimed movie & Novel.

Zooey Dutsch is a brand new, girl-next-door emerging, famous actress. You might have been in close proximity to her beautiful face sort of speak, in movies like Before I fall & The Set up. Now streaming in Netflix, c'mon you had to see those? They are major titles in the Netflix clique. She is also taken part in Ed Sheeran's latest music video, aside from that you ask? she is a famous model, is there anything she can't do? I think not! Zooey's repertoire & acting style is unique. If you are familiar with her roles as Samantha in Before I fall, a movie which was based on a novel, you will see that her characteristics are not necessarily the ultimate Bond girl fantasy, she doesn't have the self-aggrandizing qualities of the typical Hollywood celebrities. But she is an enigma, Zooey or Samantha does have an intriguing aspect about her personality, in which I feel her true uniqueness comes to shine, and probably came to earn her a spot in those two major trending blockbusters. Samantha is a popular girl, like many typical teenagers she takes for granted the life she leads. She is well-recognized among her peers and enjoys too much attention from boys in high school and in her class she is one of the most popular girls. As shown in a scene where she is walking in the hallway in her high school (which by the way is located in a fantastic setting high in the mountains if I may say) and she is seen on Cupid Day carrying what seems like a bouquet of roses, more than any other girl in her class received. She is playing the part of timid but every scene is very cliquey, meaning that she is always with her friends. And they seem to be a menace to the whole entire school. Almost like in the movie Mean girl, if you catch my drift. In parties they are obviously the raddest, always treated like royalty and they certainly look like the elite girls, carrying their popular ethos into everything. To my own surprise, I learned that (spoiler alert, if you haven't seen the film) I learned that after watching it like fifty times on my Macbook Pro. However, as much as I'd like to say that I would have loved to participate in those typical popular girl cliques. There is something in particular about Zooey's character that slowly evolved and etched it's way into my memory. I think it's her on screen candor, it must be. Carrying a strong message for teenage girls, adults and film lovers all over the world. This is one film that I think you will enjoy my friends. It teaches us about hanging out with the wrong crowd, and to appreciate the day to day, because you never know if this day might be your last. <3


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