1000 Cranes

Have you ever wandered into the incredible world of origami? I have. I recently got an origami kit as a present, origami is the japanese art of folding paper. If you have ever made a paper airplane for your kids or in your childhood you know what I'm saying. I've made my goal to make all one thousand of them that come in the kit. According to the legend behind the cranes, Sadako Sasaki who inpires people from all over the world to make the cranes. Was once hospitalized, and he wanted to get better obviously so he decided to start making a wish with every crane that he made, that why in today's time and age these modern origami creations are symbolic of peace and joy. Sadako felt like he wasn't at a loss while he was in the hospital, finally he reached healing and his story has moved thousands, and has moved around the globe. As a story about healing and hope. This is a great moral and I find its a great activity to do with your children. What am I doing in a hospital? He probably wondered, I mean we are not entitled good health, we must fight for it, we cannot take it for granted. It seems to me like he was crazy into puzzles, and he tried to do the rubiks cube but he failed, therfore he attempted with the origami cranes. I mean he was a weird kid, what kind of person dedicates all of their time to the sole creation of one thousand of these origami cranes. Obvi, he had a lot of time in his hands. <3


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