Quit worrying

 So, we need to quit worrying. In todays age and time, we worry about everything. Its not some mystical thing. We do, we have been coined as the worriers of our generations. So, first we need to go into a relaxation mode. I don't mean hopping on the next flight and pretend you're Dora the freaking explorer. But I mean, relaxation. You need to enter the gates to Chill town. There only one person in charge, that's right! You see him? It's you!! What if it was like in the movies with a touch of realness to it. Do you think the mayor of Chill town would be there to answer any concerns you have about our bodies? Basically, we gotta start treating our bodies like we made it to Chill
town. You wear the boots! picture it as a monkey, wearing, thats right, red boots! Have you ever thought about what life would be without like, evertyime you slip on the boots? If there were little or nothing to worry about. Have a try! Have you ever seen the movie The Lion King? Hakuna Matata, it means no worries. If you practice this in your daily lives as, like some sort of mantra or whatever, you know what im saying here, you can actually not give in to those worries or temptations that rules our daily lives. And if you haven't seen this movie, I would suggest you to do so. It's definately one of the best in Walt Disney's accolade of great films. I know he wrote a lot of movies, but this is one of his honorary ones! I think it deserves a five star rating. Enjoy!


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