Pain is passed on to families, until someone is ready to feel it.

Russian Orthodox Church Santa Barbara in a Hilltop in Edmonton, Alberta.
We live on a planet. Does anybody knows what is it called? Mercury? Nope. Planets, are celestial bodies. They are made of gas, and rocks. Even though they are in the sky. They are not very different from our physical bodies. Pain is inconsequential. It does not follow a family tree. It is ready to pounce. It is open, it is very receptive. It's an old mystery. In olden times, pain was treated very differently. In today's age and time the tech industry is so revolutionary that you barely can account for the time that you had to spent in your local emergency room. The time that we have to deal with pain has been greatly reduced. We got large advances in our medical fields. The expansion of astronomy has been able to enhance the way we see the world and the universe around us. In the olden days, we didn't have much. Now, we have, roundabouts, robots and race cars. If you're beaten down you can take a magic pill that takes all of your pain away. If something troubles you. Say hello to social media and electronics. But these distractions of the mind with the modern daily lives of all of us human. Are simply put, a chicken scratch on the surface of what's eating us alive inside. Especially with our young children. Not to scare everyone, but technology it is scary. Now, there are myriads of ways that we can change that. First and foremost, with food. To reflect is a great talent, but to dwelve deep at the end of the day is wonderful. Think of something that you would like to do the next day when you arise with the sun. Don't forget to evaluate your day and think of the things you've accomplished. If you can also sit down and listen to music, since it has been proven in thousands of ongoing studies in Berkeley University because music washes our worries away. It's a mystery, but I can see how music can have a great impact on our bodies. The human brain is like a machine. And like all great machines it needs to be properly preened with the right oil in order to function at premium speed and efficacy. Make sure you consume foods highly fatty in good oils like salmon and eggs. Considerably a diet in Omega 3's and 6 has your body reaching for the stars and your body will be full of important brain-enhancing, good bacteria growing, healthy microbes the body needs to function optimally. Just like a race car.


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