
  Nature is so unbelievable. In nature everything can be found. Marigolds especially, they give us precious drops from which essential oils are extracted, and the flower itself acts as a repellents. In India, Marigolds are used in weddings and are thought of as a highly decorative plant. They are used in many ceremonies. Marigold in hues of burnt orange are seen in temples all over the country around their many deities and goddesses necks and lemon yellow are usually adorning Indian women's hair. IN combination with their darker complexion creates a very alluring look. These flowers are very, very abundant in India. In Cuba, however, an island in the Caribbean. They are used mainly in funerals. In crowns, or wreaths of flowers that are part of the offerings to dead. Mexico, also shares this tradition. They are parts of the flower heads used in many rituals and ceremonies. Made into garlands and offered to Gods and honored guests. Along with their traditions and the use of Marigolds richly embroidered in the tapestry that is their heritage. India, is a special place that has not only ancient traditions but also uses the power of flowers and spices & their added benefits to improve their health.


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