Madame's boudoir

France is synonymous with sophisticated style and with meticulous craftsmanship of the highest order. Louis XIV's creation of Versailles exemplifies this striving for magnificence. A design Tour de Force, with its glittering Hall of Mirrors. I shot this pic of our tiny friend Zulya in one of our tours through the countryside in France. But, don't be fooled my dear friends, because size is not everything. In France they have a ritual, for France May Day's holiday. Vendors on every corner offer lilies of the valley. Simple bouquets with delicate white blossoms are artfully composed.  When a lady is presented with this flowers she traditionally returns the gesture with a kiss. Don't be fooled by these tiny flowers; their fragrance even though not as potent can fragrance a whole entire room of the house. Aromatic lillies of the valley, not only add a fragrance but they add a feminine touch to any Madame's budouir like scented candles, sachets and flowers. They add an aura of loveliness to any private retreat. <3


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