Holy Smokes, I saw an ELK!

I saw an Elk. Holy Smokes, they are remarkable. Specially their fur coat. It meets the demands of the winter months in Canada. The snow can circle on their outer hair without melting. During the harsh winters, these animals must find solace from the cold wind in the American Prairie somewhere right? They are like highly evolved horses. I wouldn't be a happy Elkie if I had to spend a cold winter night isolated from the herd. Anyways, I digress, I love this picture because I thought the Elk's horns gave him some distinction. I love the way he was looking at me. He was hiding in the grasslands as opposed to the Moose we saw later on in the open Prairie. With it's legendary reputation for being Santa's animal for delivering presents. This Elk remained far away from his herd eating grass very swiftly. He showed some versatility while posing for a picture and eating grass. Which I thought was excellent. At the same time he allowed me to get closer while he was grazing, as if he was foraging fro fresher leaves at the top but almost it was as if he was saying to me, you can get close I allow you to get closer than that human! Even when I got closer to shoot through my SLR lens I got a little sign telling me not to be too trusting. I guess trust is an important adaptation to living in the plains. I think this is what protects them from predators, humans and the elements. Primarily herbivores and feeding on small bushes and berries. These animals have learned amazing storage techniques. They are very adaptable because they store their food through the lean times. I learned so much from just staring at these animals in the Prairies. But practice some caution when shooting photos because these are cute animals, however they are WILD and they will protect themselves since they are in their enviroment and try to save their small by attacking humans and causing severe injury even death. Being the symbolic animal in Canada. This being the land they call home, like me. They are also remarkable creatures because with eyes almost four times bigger than humans and eyesight double as fine. Little is needed to spot them, basically all you require is a good eye, imagination and a good camera. They can be found grazing on grasslands on the Pariries on the side of the highways.


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