Flowers, please! Oui, Oui!

First and foremost, I'd like to say that pretty is highly underestimated. Pretty flowers are everywhere-in vases in a kitchen, cut crystal decanters, and perfume bottles. Do you realize that people today are not accustomed to bring flowers or to give flowers? Even in a couple who is married. It is so rare to find couples giving each other a pink rose. Regardless of the occasion. Is easier not to show up with anything, right? Chivalry is dead, I think so. I do believe that giving flowers is one of the most important things in a relationship. I think it is way up there in a nest, next to loyalty and trust. Perhaps, it should be more important that trust. Because when you give flowers to someone, you have to have feelings for that person. They are truly unique and important for you. Think about it. If you don't care about a person, you don't put too much effort in the relationship. Even less care about giving them flowers. If I were in the ancient times, like Cleopatras age I would certainly provide all my servants with clear instructions to deliver me flowers everyday before sunrise. I think that would certainly make me feel beautiful. Nowadays, formal interiors are a melange of heirloom antiques and flea market finds. But lack the natural feel that a bouquet of pink roses gives. Anyways, here are some of my favorite flowers to look at on any given day. Which include but are not limited to, Peonies, roses & Violets.


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