Black x Oolong & Roobois

I told you guys in previous posts that I love Autumn. Because I can indulge in teas from all over the world. And read amazing books ❤❤❤. I'm particularly fond of Pablo Cohelo's The Alchemist and Veronika decides to die. I instantly connected & fell in love with his books. Because I am of Spanish descent and he is a very recognized Brazilian author. He is so incredible, that I bought all of his books. Anyhow, this is not the point of this article. I wanted to draw a clear distinction between Black, Oolong and Roobois teas because I don't think many people don't know the difference. Here it is: Oolong is a famous one in the tea lovers world, it's pronounced Wu-Long, like a histerical sounding Chinese name. I really like this one because it is very aromatic & smooth. Oolongs are among some of the worlds most expensive. They have a wide array of flavours. Southeastern China and Taiwan are the major top producers of this type of tea. I like the tea notes because they are in between a black tea and a green tea. Oolong tea is said to reduce grease in the arteries. I mean, c'mon this is such a freaking revelation anything cooler than this? Every person in  Japan, China and Taiwan consumes this tea, or else how do you think they are so slim? This is another of the benefits of this lovely tea. Real slimming. Black tea, I won't get too carried away with this one, but as important as it is this one is the most known variety in the West. The tea harvest of black tea will say a lot about it's flavour. The strengh of the black tea will determine its color when you brew it. It will usually yield the brightest, reddest color. Roy-boss, usually ideal for late evening or for people sensitive to caffeine. It is also very red, bright red. I prefer this one because it pairs so well with cookies and it has no trace whatsoever of bitterness or nasty aftertaste. Anyway, there you have it my friends, my three top favorite types of tea.


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